There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

“Miracle #4 Judas/Benedict Arnold; Treachery and the Saving of West Point”

“Miracle #4
Judas/Benedict Arnold; Treachery and the Saving of West Point”

Had Arnold held on a little longer history would have honored him as one of five truly great military revolutionary leaders. Instead, he is vilified in infamy. If we fail this cause, our name will become associated with the traitorous Arnold instead of the American founders. Mr. Edwards’s symbolic painting has Arnold opening a door with reflection obscuring the future.  He has already clothed himself in the uniform of the enemy.   Imperfections in the glass distort and uglify the reflected image.  We only see part of Arnold’s face, reminding us that History only tells us part of his story.  Remember his hurt pride as congress snubbed him twice and only made good after Washington’s personal intervention, his resolve weakened physically after being wounded twice in the same place, his moral fortitude dampened by drinking and incurring gambling debt, married to a tori  wife added temptation. What are our excuses?  Will we pass our test?     In the background is a reflection of WestPoint, a church and a family (his family) indicating betrayal of God, county and sadly one’s own family and posterity.  We love the early Arnold for his dashing bravery, competence and leadership, yet he failed his test.  We sadly remember Benedict Arnold.

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