There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.


Two thousand years ago Christ came and was rejected by a people who were only expecting a political Messiah. They could not accept Christ in His spiritual role as High Priest.
Many in our day likewise are blind; rejecting the coming Messiah’s (1.)political system by rejecting their own individual sovereignty and the responsibilities of self-rule. There are great political implications when we see God’s Rule as self-rule and constitutionally limited government as God’s Government. Rejection of self-rule is a rejection of God (2.). Socialism (America’s greatest threat) is Marxist, a rejection of self rule and also represents most of what our modern governments do. Marx is the false prophet identified in the book of Revelation. Instead of utopia his system leads to the establishment of Hell on earth.
The Bible teaches that when Christ comes again we shall see him as he is for we shall be like him(3.) and that we likewise are to be Kings and Priests unto God (4). The unofficial motto of the American Revolution was, “no king but King Jesus”. This enabled the individual sovereignty of the People and the establishment of the American form of government. We plainly see that the blessings of God followed.
In many ways, we are as apostate from limited government and the Christian principals of self-rule as many at the time of Christ were apostate from the spirituality of God’s kingdom. The consequences of this apostasy are very grave. We are nearing an end of time. Our enemies are combined and conspiring against us and the judgments of God hang over us. Our only salvation is to return to Christ and claim the divine heritage that, by covenant, can yet be ours. The Lord promised He will restore our political leaders as at the first. This precedes our return to righteousness (5.). This is your invitation and calling to be a part of this great work.

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