There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Five Revolutionary Ideas that Changed the World

Five revolutionary ideas from the Declaration of Independence That changed the world

One hundred and twenty six words, just two short paragraphs, thus begins the Declaration of Independence. These words altered history more than any army that ever marched or any monarch that ever lived. Five simple ideas. Combined, these concepts improved the lot of the human race in 200 years more than all the previous 5000. Have we forgotten? Let’s remember together. “When in the course of human events…we hold these truths to be self-evident…” So it begins.

The document first acknowledges the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. God’s sovereignty and religion are viewed as the ultimate source of all good in America. Tocqueville, most famous for the words, “America is great because America is good, if America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great” also said, as he looked for America’s greatness, it wasn’t until he looked to its churches that he saw its source. In Europe, religion was often seen as a support for government tyranny. In America, religion took a different path as a friend and support for liberty. From this first concept’s foundation then flows the second, the rights of independence and self-rule. Only this self rule could make the third possible, the equality of man. This is not equality of possession as some in Europe were advocating, but a recognized equality before God, before the law, and in the protection of rights. Seeing the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as unalienable is a truly revolutionary fourth concept. This leads to the declaratory capstone; that the purpose of government is to secure these rights and that the just powers of government derive from the consent of the governed. May Americans always remember and uphold the independence that makes us free.

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