There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Debra Teare

AMERICAN ART MAGAZINE has called Debra Teare “one of the most successful trompe l’oeil painters today”. Her work has traveled the United States in over thirty museum exhibitions. She has been featured in American Art Collector, Southwest Art, as well as American Artist magazine. In 2007 she exhibited with John Peto and William Harnett, two past masters of the art of trompe l’oeil, at the Vero Beach Museum of Fine Art. Her work is currently on exhibit in “The New Reality: The Frontier of Realism in the 21st Century” with venues in six states. She is a member of the Allied Artists of America and is a founding member of the International Guild of Realism.
She shows in many regional exhibits and has received three merit awards from the Springville Museum of Art in Springville, Utah. In 2008 she won the grand prize in the national competition celebrating the centennial of Zion National Park. In September 2010 she exhibited at the Brandywine River Museum in a group show with 19 of America’s most prominent trompe l’oeil artists. Her painting Textures in Tin and Glass was awarded Best Still Life at the 2011 Sage Creek Gallery exhibit of the International Guild of Realism in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Debra Teare resides in Providence, Utah where she shares a studio with her husband Brad Teare, a painter and woodcut artist. She studied art at Utah State University and is represented by Winstanley-Roark Fine Art in Dennis, Massachusetts, The Atlanta Art Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Principle Gallery in Alexandria,Virginia.
She is painting Washington as a statue in a garden, indicating a heritage left in a place that is still growing.

Here is her Website-

Jeremy Winborg

Ever since Jeremy Winborg could walk, he had a passion for creating art. He started as a young child painting with water colors by his father’s side.
As a teenager, Jeremy started painting very large acrylic paintings. Jeremy’s first acrylic painting was purchased by the Utah Education Association and distributed to all of the teachers in Utah. This was when Jeremy was 15 years old. At 16, Jeremy was commissioned by an upscale fitness center to paint several large murals depicting various sports. Jeremy’s work has also been on display at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.
Jeremy has won several awards including “Outstanding Art Student for the State of Utah” and Masters Award at the Springville Museum of Art. He has shown his work in several shows, which include the LDS International Church Art Show 2002, 2005, and 2008. Jeremy’s artwork has been featured in the Ensign, New Era, Liahona, and Friend magazines. In 2011, Jeremy received Honorable Mention at the Sears Dixie Art Invitational. In 2012, Jeremy won the Viewer’s Choice Award, Best of Show Award, and the Purchase Prize at the Sears Dixie Art Invitational. Jeremy was adjudicator of the 2013 Dixie Show. Jeremy is the Featured Artist at the 25th annual CNS Art & Soup 2013 show. His artwork is sought after by collectors, and he is often commissioned to paint customized, mural-size artwork for people’s homes.
DJ is painting a representation of the great awakening.

Here his Website-

Trent Gudmundsen

Trent Gudmundsen grew up on a small farm in rural Utah where he enjoyed much free time between school and chores to simply watch the clouds, explore the fields behind his house, and to record it in his early paintings. This freedom allowed the young artist the time necessary to not only paint his surroundings, but to really appreciate the moments of “just being there”. With little training to go on, Gudmundsen’s paintings were raw and emotional, but showed great promise. The artist soon became acquainted with VaLoy Eaton, an award-winning landscape artist who guided Gudmundsen’s passion and introduced him to the works of various master painters of the past: Sargent, Zorn, Sorolla, Levitan and others. After a brief stint in art school, Gudmundsen dropped out and forged ahead as a largely self-made artist.
Gudmundsen’s depictions of women and children (usually in outdoor settings) seem steeped in nostalgia, but actually symbolically reflect the artist’s own life: one in which he strives to live simply and tries to make time for the important moments. Often using his own children and relatives as models in his paintings, Trent encourages and then captures authentic moments of quiet conversation or contemplation; people learning and teaching, talking and interacting, or simply enjoying a moment in thought in that fleeting time between work and play.
The artist’s work has earned acclaim on a national level in numerous shows and publications, including two Oil Painters of America National Exhibitions with an “Award of Excellence” at each, and a full-length feature in Southwest Art. Trent and his wife and their children live in an agricultural valley near the Utah-Idaho border. When he’s not painting, Trent can usually be found building something on the house or in the yard.

“I’m a patriot. I believe in freedom, and I believe this nation was founded by God for the purpose of upholding freedom: of choice, religion, and other “self-evident” rights. This land is a choice land, and those who honor God will be blessed and prospered. If the people of America can be re-awakened to that covenant, then America will be preserved as a great and free land. This project seeks to highlight God’s hand in creating and preserving this nation for those who will remember and serve Him. I’m grateful for the opportunity to lend my talents to this project, which is one with which I think God would be pleased.” -Trent Gudmundsen

Here is his Website-

Warren Neary

Warren Neary’s work primarily focuses on realistic impressions of the figure, landscapes, cityscapes and still lifes.
“I’m moved by the grace and beauty of the figure, and I’m learning to capture the emotion filled moments in relationships we share with each other. I enjoy being a son and student of a loving Heavenly Father and master creator.”
“It is exhilarating to explore scenes of subtle or dramatic light, color and design. I appreciate warm low-level lighting such as in the evening or candle lit situations. In drawing and painting from life, it is a challenge and delight to capture what I see in my artwork.””
After graduating from high school as the Art Sterling Scholar, he attended Utah State in 1994 where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree on a two-year art scholarship. Warren accepted a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force upon graduation. Warren served for eight years on active duty in the service of his country as an officer, and deployed in support of Operation Southern Watch to Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia, and Operation Enduring Freedom to Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In the summer of 2006, Warren separated from active duty in the U.S. Air Force to finish a Master of Fine Arts degree from Academy of Art University and pursue a career as an artist and Air Force Reserve officer assigned to Air Force Space Command.
While attending AAU Warren studied with William Maughan, Mark Tennant, Warren Chang, Tae Park, William Whitaker, Ron Hicks and Thomas Blackshear II.
Warren has also studied with artists including Zhang WenXin, Michael Albrechtsen, C.W. Mundy, David Leffel, Sherrie McGraw and Daniel Gerhartz.
Currently, Warren is living in O’Fallon, IL with his wife and five children.

Glen Edwards

Three weeks after the other artists were engaged, the last image was still giving fits. How to teach about Benedict Arnold, someone I have always loved for who he was early in the war and for whom I grieve for what he became. The image came all at once and then finding the perfect artist Glen Edward followed. This is where we teach the necessity of remaining true. While this image could have focused on the many miraculous events that lined up to keep Fort West Point in American Hands after the careful betrayal was instigated, we choose to focus on the man, Benedict Arnold. This painting would have to be symbolic and tell much more than what is apparent, because the icon of Benedict Arnold is so poignant. Arnold is one of the seven truly great military leaders on the American side. No one was braver, more intelligent or valiant than he. In this painting we see Benedict Arnold opening the door to a future that he cannot see because of the reflection in the glass. We see that he is bent and sneaking forward symbolic of his treachery. We only see part of his face because that is all history lets of us see of anyone. The reflected image in the glass is distorted because the glass of this era was not perfect, but also symbolic of the distorted image history leaves of the real event. The Reflection has an evening grayish hue symbolic of this grey time in Arnold’s life. The ability to choose light or darkness was his but he had put himself in the grey area where correct choices are more difficult. Behind and captured in the reflection is Fort West Point, a church and a family. This is symbolic of the betrayal of God, Family and Country. If you look closely at the family you will see that it is Benedict Arnold’s own family, and it was their future that he really sold out. The saddest part of this story is that this happened so close to the end of the war. The conflict was almost over and history would have exonerated him for all of his wrongs if he had been able to just hold the course a little longer.
The Temptations of Arnold is so symbolic of the temptations that can cause any of us to fall if we give place. In some ways it seems unfair that Arnold had all of these.
First it was pride. Congress snubbed Arnold by not paying his legitimate expenditures until after Washington intervened. Credit for some of Arnold’s great achievements was stolen at least temporarily by lesser, but more political men. While he was legitimately wronged and snubbed, it was of his own weakness that the injury was fed and propagated.
Second was a physical challenge as he was wounded twice in the same place on his hip. The pain and prospect of life as a cripple for someone as active as Arnold may have induced depression.
Third was the challenge of addiction. Arnold at this time was drinking heavily. We know what this can do to moral fortitude.
The fourth was another form of artificial escape as he began gambling and thus was far into debt.
The last great challenge was bad company. He was married to a Tory British sympathizer wife. While we sit in judgment of Arnold we must ask ourselves, “am I as valiant as the early Arnold? And would I remain faithful if facing these same challenging circumstances? Am I failing in my duty at this late date in our republic as many are selling their souls and future, their posterity and their God for debt induced security and the spoils of government garnered plunder?
If we recognize these soul destroying temptations for what they are how can I avoid them in my life?

Glen Edwards Says...

"This country began with a constitution conceived and written by inspired men who loved their country, believed in God and the unalienable rights of free men and women; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
There are those who would create chaos, rewrite history and the constitution, and destroy God, family and a way of life that promotes patriotism, self worth, accomplishment and freedom to choose.
This project is a badly needed reminder of who we are, what we are losing and a warning that time is of the essence. It encourages us to be active in preserving our God-given way of life for ourselves and for future generations."

Sample Artwork...

Lee Griffiths

Lee is an internationally acclaimed hand engraver and the winner of many awards from the Firearms Engravers Guild of America and various Collectors organizations. His work has been showcased in national magazines and can be found in private collections around the world.
 After one semester of art he returned to the family farm. He is grateful for that one semester and especially the classes taught by Leon Parson. Without time or money to pursue formal art instruction he started the journey of becoming self-taught. A pursuit he continues every day. Along the way he taught engraving for nine years in the United States and six times in Europe. He has been in high demand to help others understand the “art” side of engraving and has authored the book “Art and Design Fundamentals for Engravers, Jewelers, Artists, and Craftsmen. His unique experience and training in values, symbols, and scenes made him the perfect choice for this painting.
Here is his Website-

Sample Artwork...

Albin Veselka

I get chills thinking of artist Albin Veselka an art professor from BYU Idaho. After explaining the project he said you are never going to believe this but I have been doing everything I know how for the last six weeks to prepare for this project. You see my family came from Czechoslovakia to this country for freedom. About six weeks ago I was studying Alphonse Mucha, a great Czechoslovakian painter who raised that whole nation through a series of paintings called the slav epic. These great paintings were created just prior to WWII. Alphonse was one of the first Czechs arrested by the Gestopo and of course they had no use for a great patriot or paintings creating a sense of national unity. The paintings were secured away and Alphonse died shortly after as a result of Gestapo treatment. He never knew in this life the meaning his painting would have to his nation. The communists likewise locked the works up for an additional 25 years. When they finally became available they helped re-establishing national identity. As Albin studied these great painting a spiritual prompting came that he was going to be involved in something equally important for America. Over the phone I could feel Albin in an emotional and spiritual moment.
Born in 1979 Albin’s interest in art came at an early age. He is very grateful to his parents who were instrumental in promoting his emerging talent.
In 2006 Albin received his BFA from Brigham Young University Idaho. He credits the knowledgeable and student oriented faculty of the BYUI art department for giving him “the tools all representational artists must have to open the door to communicating in the visual arts”. Direction was also given to Albin which helped him break into the gallery scene while he was a college student. Since then Albin has continued in developing his career receiving honors from several prestigious organizations and shows.
Albin’s career has been a continual learning experience. His growth comes natural as he seeks for excellence through education and hard work. He is constantly finding new things to appreciate in the masters both living and deceased. Some of the influences he credits for his inspiration and development are Nicolai Fechin, John Singer Sargent, Abram Arkhipov, Ilha Repin, Richard Schmid, Dan Gerhartz, Mike Malm, Carolyn Anderson, Gerald Griffin and Leon Parson.

Albin’s Own Words…

"When Farley Anderson introduced me to the Covenant America Project I was already in the process of developing the work that I would contribute to it. I have always had a great interest in and strong feelings about the principles that founded our great nation. It doesn’t take a lot of digging to see how unique and pivotal America’s founding, development and preservation are to the destiny of freedom and prosperity for the whole human race. And underlying it all there is a foundation upon which America and its principles rest. That foundation is a firm belief in a loving and all powerful Heavenly Father who defines natural law and gives mankind the responsibility to act according to the principles He set forth in self-government.
In accordance with God’s law men are free agents to do as their conscience dictates. Government is an extension of man’s right to preserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (or property). Government, today, has grown into a bloated, arbitrary power wielding, self perpetuating behemoth. It has divorced itself from its founding God fearing principles. There are countless grievances that if addressed individually would only be replaced with others. This is because they are all only symptoms to the underlying problem. America can only be saved by returning to the one principle that made her creation possible. God created America through man’s willingness to accept His law, live by His principles and allow all men the same privilege. The moment we renounce our connection with, dependence upon and responsibility to God and his natural law we lose the ability to self-govern. The Covenant America Project reminds America of this principle by restoring the Declaration of Independence to its natural place as the founding document to be considered along side the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
Our country stopped its march into the future God intended for it with every step it took away from Him. It is my prayer that America wakes up to its roots and continues its forward march. We have seen the destruction caused by statism and so-called progressivism. They are nothing but a new brand of the countlessly repeated descents into tyranny and destruction that we’ve seen throughout history. Let’s wake up, accept God’s natural law and our responsibility to self-rule. I hope my artwork contribution to the Covenant America Project does whatever small part it can to help convey this message."

Here is his Website-

Clark Kelly Price

From Thayne, Wyoming, Clark Kelly Price is renowned for his cowboy art. This piece would require a special talent as snow is among the hardest things to portray in art. He laughed when I asked if he understood a blizzard. He said, “I absolutely have no time for this now, but how can I possibly say no.” A few days later he unfolded his vision of Washington stoically in the background, the continental solder without shoes, and blood soaked rags binding his feet with a determined look in his eye accepting the surrender of the Hessian soldier. This will be an emotional center of the display.
Clark was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho in 1945. As a child he loved to draw and even his earliest artistic efforts told stories. His parents Rex T. and Kathryn E. Price recognized his talent and encouraged him to use it. He received his formal education at Ricks College and Brigham Young University, however his deep commitment to the Gospel, his love of the West – - both modern and historical – - and his life experiences have been his greatest resources in developing his talent.
He spent his early years living in a log cabin that his parents had built in Montana. Surrounded by nature, Clark developed an appreciation for the land, as well as an ability to observe the kinds of details that many overlook. He has been able to call upon matter of his observations and experiences to create the art for which he has become known. The subject matter of his work ranges from religious to old west.
Clark Kelly Price says…
"This is not a time for flowery words. Our country and Constitution are in grave trouble. There are but few in our government who are standing by their public oath to defend and uphold our God-given Constitution, and it is hanging by a thread. Our country calls us all to the defense of the principles of our founding fathers and cries for brave and honest individuals who cannot be bought or sold. They are desperately needed in our government to help maintain our free way of life, and not yield to the great political pressures of today’s liberals. Otherwise goodbye to the America this young soldier, and many like him, fought and died for."

Here is his Website-

Larry Winborg

Larry Conrad Winborg grew up in southern Idaho. As a boy, art was an important interest. Larry was influenced in high school and encouraged to develop his talents by Helen Auperle, one of America’s foremost high school art teachers.
After graduating from high school, Larry met and married, Sydne, and together they began to pursue a career in art. Sydne supported and encouraged Larry as he completed a Masters Degree in Fine Art at Utah State University. Early in his career, he became a very accomplished illustrator/designer and worked as an art director at prestigious art studios. His work has been featured in Sports Illustrated®, Readers Digest®, Audubon Magazine®, Guideposts®, Arts for the Parks®, Parade Magazine® and many other national publications. Many years ago Larry left the corporate world to devote his full attention to painting. His work can be found throughout the world in both private and corporate collections and his original paintings have been shown in galleries throughout the United States. Larry’s work has consistently been accepted in regional, national and international art shows.
Larry now lives in Hyde Park Utah with his wife Sydne. His four children and their families are constant visitors to their home.
Larry’s work has been featured in galleries in Chevy Chase, Maryland; Dallas, Texas; San Francisco, Palm Springs, Carmel, and Palm Desert, California; Portland, Oregon; New York City, New York; The Lodge in Perry, Utah; Sun Valley, Idaho; and now, Logan, Utah at Winborg Masterpieces located at 55 North Main Street, suite 208, (Emporium), (435) 792-4ART (4278). For further questions:, call (435) 563-8322 studio.
 Larry Winborg who has painted two pieces with Benjamin Franklin earlier,  is composing Franklin turning the French nation towards the American cause. His comment “this is how I wish to use my talent. This will be my greatest yet.” I could feel his emotional patriotism.
Larry Says
"I am in the early stage of producing a great painting portraying the miracle of Benjamin Franklin’s very successful diplomatic mission in gaining France’s help in establishing America’s freedom. My painting will be oil on canvas size: 36″ x 36″ —Larry Winborg"

Here is his Website-

Sample Art...

Mike Malm

In 1994, Mike Malm was newly married, going to school, and working in construction.
The 21-year-old was studying art with Del Parson at Dixie State College in Utah, absorbing from him the fundamentals of drawing, the foundation for what would become his life’s work.
Malm’s ability at capturing the essence of his subject quickly brought the young artist commissions to paint portraits of people’s children, their pets, and relatives. It didn’t take the Utah native long to realize that he could make more money—and derive more enjoyment—from painting portraits than working construction. Being an astute young man and passionate about art, he put down his tool belt, left the job site, and strode into his dream career as an artist.
Mike Malm
Malm could walk away from manual labor because, he says, “Juanita and I were young, and we hadn’t yet set a precedent about how much money we needed to make.” So, he painted portraits and continued to study art, while living in one of the most scenic areas of the country: the Cache Valley in Utah.
The pristine environment, with its plethora of eye-catching scenery, ripe for painting, excited his artistic sensibilities with its simplicity and grandeur.
Mike Says...
"About five years ago, Farley Anderson approached me with this concept. We discussed it some, but we couldn’t take action. Earlier this year I began to think about our conversation five years earlier and wondered if anything could become of it. A few days later I received a phone call from Farley that he was ready to move on the project and that now was the time. As he spoke, I felt he was right. I deeply believe that God is the answer to all of our problems in this nation. The same God who led Moses and the children of Israel across the Red Sea on dry ground can deliver us from our challenges if we will but put our trust in him and strive to follow His ways. I am honored to be a part of the Covenant Tabernacle project that reminds us that God is the source of our country’s greatness, and that to succeed and prosper today, we must rely upon the power of His mighty arm to lead us."

Here is his Website-

Sample Art by Mike Malm

Five Revolutionary Ideas that Changed the World

Five revolutionary ideas from the Declaration of Independence That changed the world

One hundred and twenty six words, just two short paragraphs, thus begins the Declaration of Independence. These words altered history more than any army that ever marched or any monarch that ever lived. Five simple ideas. Combined, these concepts improved the lot of the human race in 200 years more than all the previous 5000. Have we forgotten? Let’s remember together. “When in the course of human events…we hold these truths to be self-evident…” So it begins.

The document first acknowledges the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. God’s sovereignty and religion are viewed as the ultimate source of all good in America. Tocqueville, most famous for the words, “America is great because America is good, if America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great” also said, as he looked for America’s greatness, it wasn’t until he looked to its churches that he saw its source. In Europe, religion was often seen as a support for government tyranny. In America, religion took a different path as a friend and support for liberty. From this first concept’s foundation then flows the second, the rights of independence and self-rule. Only this self rule could make the third possible, the equality of man. This is not equality of possession as some in Europe were advocating, but a recognized equality before God, before the law, and in the protection of rights. Seeing the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as unalienable is a truly revolutionary fourth concept. This leads to the declaratory capstone; that the purpose of government is to secure these rights and that the just powers of government derive from the consent of the governed. May Americans always remember and uphold the independence that makes us free.

Press Release

October 4,2010
Supreme Court Press Release;

September 21,2010

September 14,2010


Utah leads the nation with a big win! E-signatures
Utah leads the nation with a big win! E-signatures are a new political tool to empower people and take back government.
Tuesday was a victory for every David who has ever faced the government Goliath. The Utah State Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Lt Gov Bell must obey the law, honor the petition, and place gubernatorial candidate Farley Anderson on the ballot using people-empowering electronic signatures.
Utah leads the nation (this is a huge national story).
As Jefferson said, the only true repository of power is the people themselves.  This is the only power strong enough to take back government.  You are needed now to participate in this historic process.  We have only one week until the filing deadline for the Lt Governor as an unaffiliated candidate.  Your signature is needed.

Go to and follow the prompts and you will participate to put the first candidacy in history on the ballot using electronic signatures.  Have your last four digits of your driver’s license handy for your personal pin.  Pass this on to everyone on your list.

Utah Supreme Court Ruling

This is the Utah Supreme Court ruling regarding using electronic signature.

Utah Supreme Court rules in favor of e-signatures

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the state must accept online signatures for candidate petitions. The unanimous decision was made Tuesday as Utah voters went to the polls for primary elections and could change the way elections are handled nationwide

Utah Supreme Court Says State Must Accept E-Signatures

(KCPW News) The state of Utah should have accepted electronic signatures submitted by an independent candidate for governor to be on the ballot this November.  That’s according to a Utah Supreme Court ruling issued today in favor of candidate Farley Anderson.  He calls it a historic occasion.