There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

“The Sixth Miracle, We the people, the Miracle of Philadelphia.”

“The Sixth Miracle, We the people, the Miracle of Philadelphia.”

The bright light of the new era of freedom bursts forth upon a signed and completed United States Constitution.  The five miracles establishing the Declaration are not complete without the miracle of the Constitution.  Likewise the Constitution fails if not interpreted in light of the grand principles of the Declaration. The Constitution is the “how to” manual to deliver the promise of the Declaration.  The Declaration is the pedigree of authority, the covenant and vows of marriage between God, the People and the government.  The enemies of the Constitution, the enemies of religious principle and the enemies of the rights and responsibilities of the people despise the Declaration as the interpretive filter. God raised up wise men, inspired their words, fortified their resolve to complete and tempered their prejudice to bring together this, the world first written national Constitution.  Larry Winborg’s love of this document is captured in his art. Benjamin Franklin said it well when this work was nearing completion.  Reflecting upon the sun  symbol on the back of Washington’s chair and the difficulty in telling if it was setting or rising. He now testified that it is a rising sun!

Remembrances, the Benediction

Our experience enables us to act directionally in the future.  Debra Teare chose mementos in a box as her subject.  Each piece was chosen for its significance.  The art is so real the temptation is to pick up and handle each piece.  The hope and prayer is this message is something you will reach for and make a part of your life. Debra does not do huge art pieces, but rather puts incredible detail into what is right before her.  We likewise must give attention to the detail of our efforts and make them real and effective.  Our benediction, the mementos of our life will reflect the values we put into our box and we will be remembered for what they are.  Will they be trivial and fleeting or solid and lasting?