There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

All Right-Thinking Americans Should Now Take Their Stand

So I urge all Americans to put their courage to the test. Be firm in our conviction that our cause is just. Reaffirm our faith in all things for which true Americans have always stood.
I urge all Americans to arouse themselves and stay aroused. We must not make any further concessions to communism at home or abroad. We do not need to. We should oppose communism from our position of strength for we are not weak.

There is much work to be done. The time is short. Let us begin – in earnest – now and may God bless our efforts.

Can Christianity Save the Conservative Movement and the Republic?

It has been said of politics, and we believe it is true, that the work accomplished at the organizing level is a thousand times more effective than anything done after, including voting on Election Day.
It is time to realize that we are called to the great work of saving the Republic. This is Christ’s work. Recognizing that the judgment seat (all political power) belongs to Christ regardless of who temporarily occupies a position changes everything. We prepare for the great marriage of heaven and earth by how we conduct ourselves politically as well as spiritually. By organizing as constitutional conservative Christians we can be a thousand times more effective.
The independence movement is a way to accomplish this organization, return to our Christian heritage roots and claim the divine promises that can be ours. This is not a new political party, but a more just, effective and powerful way to put our candidates ahead of party politics, special interests, mob democracy and money power. Many people are disgusted with current politics, anxious for a real change and generous in giving time if called upon for something important. The timing may never be better.
Remember, the Republican Party was organized by Christian conservatives at a time of great political dissatisfaction. They captured 100 seats in congress the very first year and put their man, Abraham Lincoln, in the white house the sixth year. A citizen’s organization using the Biblical concept of calling the many (a massive grass roots Christian Movement) supporting those chosen (involve everyone in issuing the call to put a few candidates upon the ballet) (6.) is powerful and just makes sense. We can return to our Christian heritage roots. Our candidates can be given an edge on Election Day. We follow Christ not by seeking our own will, but by following him whose representative we are striving to be.
Politically, we should support those who are likewise so governed.
When a politician stands before the people to make promises of what the future will be if they are elected, they are a type of a prophet. We are warned that in our day many would be false and that accepting their speech would give us wolves in sheep’s clothing. The antidote given in scripture is to know them by their fruits (7.). Our entire political system now chooses leaders by what they say. “Wolves in sheep’s clothing” is a good description of what we have in politics.
By going deeper before issuing the call, many problems can be eliminated later. We also know that the Devil was known by the name of accuser before the world 
(8.). Many of his followers gain power by this some tactic. The Devil and worldly followers go forth to deceive the nations (sounds very political), but are eventually shut up for 1000 years (9.). If we are to be heard and be able to shut up the evil (personally stop listening to their rhetoric and replace it with truth) we must be organized.
You are needed. The book “The Restoration of our Republic” is available and covers the concepts and principals of the Independence Movement. We are anxious for feedback, comments and book corrections if needed. Also tell us if there are areas where we can make it clearer or where editing would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your love of America and help at this very important time. We can change history.

(1. Revelation 19:7-10),
(2. 1Sam 8:6, 7 & 10:19),
(3. 1 John 3:2),
(4. Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6, 21:7),
(5. Isaiah 1:26),
(6. Matt 20:16, 22:14, Revelation 17:14),
(7. Matt. 7:16-20),
(8. Revelation 12:7-10),
(9. Revelation 20:3).

States rights vs. Your Rights.

Individual and state sovereignty must be protected.  We are entering an era where the folly of abandoning state sovereignty is becoming apparent.  The tenth amendment is key to restoration.  Little is to be gained, however, if we do not see that the ninth amendment and individual rights and sovereignty appropriately precedes and pre-empts the tenth amendment.  Governments are instituted among men to protect these rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.  (Declaration of Independence)  This must never be forgotten by either government or the people. The Governor on behalf of our people must be able to say no, not in our state (and be willing to back it up) to all federal and state encroachments.
The Independence Movement: empowering citizen government to rise above party politics, special interests, mob democracy, and money power, to reestablish freedom, and liberty.
§  Do you believe that politics in America today are a reflection of the religious principles that originally gave birth to our republic?
§  Do you believe the Christian principles that were the inspiration for the American Revolution and constitutionally limited government?
§  Do you believe that these same Christian principles have the power to restore the greatness in America today and heal our land?
§  If you were called to serve would you participate in a citizen organization to help keep these principles alive and restore the individual sovereignty and responsibility of the people?
Would you like to know more?
Top of Form

We believe that intense catastrophic events, including a nuclear disaster are prophesied and expected for our day, but so also a Passover-type deliverance for those who are watching and are prepared. These events are a prelude to the earth’s most blessed era as His Kingdom is come and His will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. Hope to see you there. Anderson is gaining national attention for his pioneering work in preparedness civil defense and especially the Biblical and Religious principals that can save our Republic. If you are interested in attending an event or sponsoring a meeting class or seminar please contact us and visit the calendar for times and places.
Become personally informed
Our campaign is revolutionary. Farley is the first candidate to use electronic signatures for a citizens’ based political process. This has raised some eyebrows on the national level, culminating in a landmark lawsuit. The whole independence movement is about raising people up. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The only true repository of power is from the people themselves.” Thus, in today’s digital world, the electronic signature allows for greater participation for the people in the initiatives and the petitions process as guaranteed by the First Amendment in the United States Constitution.
§  Read the book, The Restoration of Our Republic, and other materials that teach the correct principals of individual sovereignty, rights and responsibilities.
§  See that your own family is brought along on this journey.
§  The Restoration of the Republic
§  You can become involved by doing Seven things:
§  1. Become informed - The books THE RESTORATION OF OUR REPUBLIC and THE FIVE THOUSAND YEAR LEAP available here are an excellent place to begin. Make these books available to others.
§  2. Register as a supporter. Numbers are important to show the movements progression. We also need to know who you are to keep you informed of important issues, events and help you participate in the organization.
§  3. Distribute the movement’s flyer available from this website.  Talk to everyone you know.
§  4. Organize a neighborhood Republic. After yourself and family, this is the basic unit of the movement. This is where support originates and how we propose to have responsibility going in and accountability coming out.  Most of the Republics use the concepts of the books mentioned above as a study and discussion guide for gatherings. After election of our candidates we believe that these individual republics will be a tremendous support, watch and strength for good government. You will be surprised at how many people that you know are hungry to be a part of something important and bigger than themselves. Ask and invite, and it will happen. Watch this website for updates, how to info and success stories.
§  5. Participate in your local Independence Movement Liberty Convention. This is where representation and delegation of authority is chosen to represent each republic. It will also be a business and teaching event. Participants who are not part of a smaller republic will be able to become connected at this event.
§  6. Support America and vote Independent. Encourage others.
§  7. Continue to participate as the movement supports leaders and good government after the election. Remember that it can be a very lonely position defending the rights of citizens against an over-sized bullying federal government. If an elected official knew that one call to the citizens’ group that issued the call to serve would bring the required support, imagine how it could change things.

Big Government is the Problem

As a people, we have been lured into a mindset that government is here to take care of us.  The proper role of government is to protect our rights so that we can pursue the path of happiness which is down the road of independence and individual sovereignty.  Individual sovereignty traded for communal security is not a fair trade. Government control in the name of security affects the economy both internally and externally. Internally we see production naturally occurs when there is a hope that a given effort will produce a given reward.  When government meddles with and lessens the reward it lessens the production.  Consumption occurs because the earth’s natural resources are converted into things useful and beneficial to man and then made available to those with excess resources to trade value for them.  A free exchange of information, ideas and enterprise causes an economy to flourish.  Externally, government affects an economy because government does not produce–it only consumes. The more we allow government to consume, the less of the economy is available to benefit the individuals within that economy.  When government brokers all activity, it creates friction between government and the rest of the economy.  This friction slows all activity.  With fewer laws, there will be a broader agreement and less friction between a government and a people. Few laws respect the sovereignty of the individual.  It takes a pretty darn good new law to be better than no new law at all.  This is the success secret of limited, Constitutional-based government with few laws and a broad agreement.  The less the friction, the greater will be the flow of the economy. We fix the economy by lessening the consumption of government, then lessen the friction and restrictions upon production and activity to allow the fullest participation of those who desire to build the economy (which is most everyone once legal plunder is abolished).  This is the intent of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.  Opposing is government based on power brokering and sell off of influence.  We can make our great state the bastion for the principals that allow an economy to flourish and thus a flourishing economy will follow.

American Economy Defined

An economy is defined as the production and consumption of goods and services of a community as regarded as a whole.  Our very successful American economy is based upon independence and sovereignty of the individual.  Independence comes because people accept the responsibilities upon which the independence is based.  Sovereignty is an endowment by our Creator.  The first simple step to fixing the economy is to restore these two principals. The central theme of the lead paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence states “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  These words compile the greatest economic plan and the true purpose of government. When our people take back their independence and sovereignty the American economy will flourish.  We the people of the great state of Utah can be the lead so other states may follow.  Here is a thought question–is big, out of control government and the existing political parties that support it currently pursuing this, or some agenda of its own.  Why throw away your vote to support such a system?