There is a clear covenant implied in our declaration of Independence-a covenant between God, the People, and the Government. When we, the People turn our hearts to God more than to our government or to ourselves, His Providence increases our personal wisdom and decreases our government dependence. We are individually and collectively freed.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Free perk!  It is launched! Can this reclaim our youth? 

The crowd funding opportunity to help renew our national covenant is now officially launched.  Use the link to share this with everyone you know.  Not only will this make the Art to move a Nation experience available to many more people but it can personally enhance you July 4th Independence day experience.  Check out the Declaration of Independence Covenant teaching poster/handout.  This is a carefully crafted piece teaching what is most important for every American to know about our founding document.  The presentation of the art to move a nation experience touches us emotionally and that opens the door to learning and remembering.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Washington Birthday: experience Washington's 5 great miracles of the Revolution in art

Art to move a Nation and National Covenant Restoration Campaign         Nation Saving Crowdfunding Opportunity

Please Help Me! All I can do will fall short without your help. With your help we can expand nationally to reach a goal of uniting 30 million Americans.  That is the critical 10% necessary to move and lead the Nation.  Historically you will want to be a part of this epic quest.  Last week I personally made 7 presentations reaching around a thousand people with a most powerful message. I presented the message of our national covenant to four school groups, 2 private groups and a large religious group. In order to avoid an almost inevitable national meltdown our nation must change its course.  The message is…
1.      There is a covenant upon this chosen land of America.  It is the city on the hill.
2.      It is a marriage covenant involving the people, the government and God.
3.      Like any failing marriage the best hope of saving the relationship if it can be saved is to put God back into the relationship.
4.      The covenant was consummated with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 
5.      The Declaration of Independence is the highest secular expression of the two great commandments of love ever put to pen by man and has done more to bless and unite the world than any other single act excepting the ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ (hint; the gospel of love and the gospel of liberty are the same gospel.  Through true religion God administers His mercy, through correct government God administers His justice.  Justice and Mercy is what constitutes righteousness.
6.      We are mocking God when we remove His influence form our history, our culture, our political actions and ignore the covenant of Individual Self-rule, Individual Sovereignty and limited government under the laws of nature and Natures God (Declaration of Independence language)   Gods rule is self-rule, thus the rejection of self-rule is a rejection of God!
7.       When we reject and mock God bad things happen!
Plan and pattern:  Samuel the Old Testament prophet gave us a pattern.  After the Israelites had lost their national sovereignty to the Philistines as a direct result of corruption in high places and the personal absolving of the individual responsibility of self-rule in asking that they should have a king to rule over them,  he gathered them together.  He first reminded them of what it meant to be an Israelite by recounting the many miracles they had received as a nation and then he had them renew their national covenant.  Even then he could only muster an army of 3000 men to take on the Philistines who had 30,000 chariots, 9,000 horsemen and soldiers numbered as the sands of the seas.  In the end however the Israelites were victorious.  Our goal is to follow this same pattern reminding America of the many miracles of our national birth and to then renew the forgotten covenant of the Declaration of Independence.  If in faith and courage we go forth and we do what we know the Lord wants us to do, then what the Lord wants to happen will happen and it will be miraculous.
          We have commissioned 15 incredible and inspired paintings that transform people to another time and place so they can experience the true stories of our national covenant.  This Includes the five great miracles of the American Revolution (the five times General Washington called upon his soldiers, congress and the American people to offer up fastings and prayers of thanksgiving because he said God turned the tide of battle and gave victory to the American cause), the miracle of Philadelphia the U.S. constitution and the mystery of the 7th miracle (The miracle of the American people.  As they accepted the responsibilities of self-rule, God made the blessings of Kings available to an entire nation).  We have a powerful soul changing presentation we are making into a movie and we are finishing the final editing of a book to bring the stories to life.
       Here is how you can provide the much needed help move our nation and receive an incredible value in return.


$10.00 donation receive a $16.00 value DVD (free ship) $6 ,000.00 needed to professionally shoot video of my presentation (as Ben Franklin) and personal tour of art. Very powerful and inspirational DVD. 

$21.00 donation receive a book and DVD $36.00 value Free shipping.  . $8,600 needed for print fulll run of the story of the American Covenant in art and story.  Book is in the final edit and includes 11’ set of art pictures and video disc as above.

 $50.00 donation receive a  set of high quality art prints plus book and DVD $122.00 value  $14,860 needed for print run of art.  Receive a set (15 separate 14 inch wide prints) of the high quality art to move a Nation diorama plus the book and DVD. This is the ideal size for home and teaching small groups. Or $50.00 donation choose an Individual 24 inch wide print on canvas (numbered and authenticated) of any of the individual pieces plus the book and DVD, Free ship.

$100.00 donation receive a set (15 separate 25 inch wide high quality art prints, plus 2 copies of the book and DVD  $242,00 value . $14,860 needed for print run of art.  Receive a set (15 separate 25 inch wide high quality art prints, plus 2 copies of the book and DVD.  This is the ideal size for teaching larger groups, average size churches and organizations and office buildings.  These paintings transform any patriotic event into something really special.  Consider donating a copy to your church, school or event.  Free ship

$500.00 donation.  Receive a full set 24 inch wide on art canvas (numbered and authenticated) plus $500.00 in credit for the wholesale value of any of the above items. $1200.00 value The canvas prints are hard to tell from the originals and if your group sells the books and prints not only does this raise $500.00 for your organization but the prints become free also.  

$1200.00 donation plus travel expense. Farley Anderson as Ben Franklin will present to your organization, church or school Or receive a 44 inch wide set of high quality art prints on Canvas . $3200.00 value  Your donation value will be matched with a wholesale value credit for any of the above items (no doubling of the bonus).  If the group is at least 60 people the sales will usually completely pay the expense and make the $1200.00 in profit for the group. 

 $10,000 to $15,000 Receive one of the original paintings (value should skyrocket as this work progresses and the paintings become iconic) $20,000 to $30,000 value Your donation value will be matched by the wholesale value credit of any of the above items (no doubling of bonus).

Covenant Makers

Mr. Malm’s introduction to the Diorama embraces the theme; there is a covenant and I am a part of it.  The Caption, “One nation under God”, and the representation of Americana as a sweeping view with the “old north church and its steeple pointing towards the heavens captures the message.  I especially loved the haunting eyes of the child, representing the rising generation, which seem to be saying "this is what we are doing, what are you going to do?”  The faith and love of a child lead us. The family is front and center in this painting expressing the artists testimony about its importance to the covenant and the foundation of society .  I am impressed with motion and movement we feel with the Continental volunteer in his hunter’s shirt. Washington specifically asked volunteers wear this unofficial uniform if possible because the sight of an armed American carrying his American long rifle and wearing his hunting frock impressed and terrorized the British giving advantage to the Americans.  The more the American looked and acted like he could use his arms the less likely he was to have to use it.   We, like this continental soldier, need to be actively moving to make a difference today. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Covenant Protectors

It is fitting that artist Mike Malm as the lead artist for this project completes his set depicting the inseparability of covenant makers and covenant protectors to a free republic.  No one should be more honored than those who become “the servant of all” and willingly put themselves under oath and do solemnly swear…. These are truly the “greatest among us”.  Those who enter politics to serve-self or place their left hand on the Bible, yet sign into law that which is not lawful crumble our Republic.  Many of the models for this picture are real covenant keepers, including the soldier who told leaders that if an order to confiscate the guns of American citizens after the Katrina hurricane were given, he would not obey them.  Lest we forget, the white headstones are symbolic of the cost of Freedom.  This prayer from William Stephenson during WW II says it well “Dear Lord lest I continue my complacent way help me remember that somewhere out there a man died for me today- as long as there be war, I then must ask and answer am I worth dying for?”  (pp118 A Man Called Intrepid, William Stevenson)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Divine Perspective

While we cherish our own perspective, Mr. Winborg’s painting reminds us a higher and greater view comes as we seek to know the will, law and mind of God.  Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, wisely establishes that the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God are the foundation of the American system.
 We can classify ourselves at any given time by what is ruling our life: Are we ruled by our own flesh, following only after what feels good at the moment?  Are we governed by our conscience keeping us from hurting others, or are we led by the Holy Spirit moving us toward acting, building and supporting “His Kingdom come His will done on earth as it is in Heaven”?  This painting reminds us of the beauty of that divine perspective and prepares our hearts for His message